Emerald Ash Borer
Learn dangerous insect.
The Spotted Lanternfly causes serious damage in trees including oozing sap, wilting, leaf curling, and tree dieback.. The spotted lanternfly was discovered in New Jersey in May 2014 in Somerset County.
In addition to tree damage, when spotted lanternflies feed, they excrete a sugary substance, called honeydew, that encourages the growth of black sooty mold
Stop the Spread
his mold is harmless to people, however it causes damage to plants. Spotted Lanternfly Wiki In counties infested and quarantined for Spotted Lanternfly, residents report hundreds of these bad bugs that affect their quality of life and ability to enjoy the outdoors during the spring and summer months.
In addition to damaging trees and affecting quality of life ,the Spotted Lanternfly is a huge threat to Pennsylvania agriculture industry.
Large Damages
Spotted Lanternflies will cover trees, swarm in the air, and their honeydew can coat decks and play equipment.
They threaten billions of economic impact and hundreds of thousands of jobs for those in the grapes, apple, hops, and hardwood industries.
The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive species native to China, Bangladesh, and Vietnam. In 2014 it was found in Pennsylvania, and has since spread to 26 counties which are now quarantined.
The lanternfly will lay eggs upon any smooth-trunked tree, stone, or vertical smooth surface, including man-made items like vehicles, yard furniture, farm equipment or other items stored outside.
Spotted lanternfly
The greatest risk of spread was seen in people transporting materials containing egg masses laid on smooth bark, stone, and other vertical surfaces,[8] so the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture banned transport of items that could harbor the hopper, including firewood, lawn mowers, outdoor chairs, trucks, and RVs.
- Based on its host affinities, it presented a threat to the state's grape, fruit tree, and logging industries.
- The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture conducts ongoing and very careful surveys of all of Pennsylvania. PDA crews survey for evidence of Spotted Lanternflies using detailed visual and trapping methods.
- The PDA quarantine order directs citizens and municipal authorities to follow guidelines to prevent the movement of Spotted Lanternflies at any stage of development. These guidelines direct citizens to inspect all wood and vegetation that might leave the quarantined municipality
“ In addition, these guidelines direct citizens to inspect vehicles, trailers, and other mobile equipment prior to moving such equipment out of the quarantine.”
Spotted Lanternflies are native to Southeast Asia, but they have been introduced to other areas of Asia as well—including to Korea, where Spotted Lanternflies are a major pest to agriculture.